Ill side effects as per people say are that it draws them away from real relationships, shortened attention and diminishing personal communication and love. There is so much focus on social space where we are seldom present but always available :-) . However according to me real cause of concerns are identity theft, phishing, spywares and viruses, in all your safety.
Everything has its own positive and negative aspects. If anyone uses this communication technology in a meaningful manner, one will have better experiences, would make you smarter with the plethora of knowledge available on a click or can exchange it one-another, build new relationships and supplements in improving overall quality of life. Sites like Facebook and Myspace helps you build a social group of people sharing common interest and passions. A student can reachout to his/her seniors or graduates from best known universities for help on his/her research papers and ask for mentorship. People are exchanging their witty remarks with celebrities across the globe. Site like Linkdin create more professional connections and help businesses to promote themselves.
Ill side effects as per people say are that it draws them away from real relationships, shortened attention and diminishing personal communication and love. There is so much focus on social space where we are seldom present but always available :-) . However according to me real cause of concerns are identity theft, phishing, spywares and viruses, in all your safety.
Likewise in ancient Egypt they were worried about using papyrus for written communication that it would reduce mental ability, in spite of everything mankind has achieved so much in terms of intellectual gains and technology too. All depends on how fairly we use the available resources.
Just IMAGINE your situation and say what you all think.
I agree with you Savvy and I believe that its all about perception. Some people see social networking as a technological marvel as we can be in touch anywhere, anytime in the world. On the flip side, it can be a loss of privacy and as you highlighted the threats of phishing etc.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of idealistic scenario, I believe we all should know where to draw the line. Let me give you an analogy.
We all know how strong is the Indian media and how it can unearth scandals and show news from places where you wont even think of watching. Now during the coverage of 26/11 attacks, it was the same media who was showing minute by minute coverage of the movement of our Black Cat Commandos, which the terrorists inside the Taj also witnessed and planned their next steps accordingly. Now that was a point to draw the line and stop that coverage and choose sovereignty over petty TRPs. Isnt it?