What we gonna get on the last pages of a Student's Notebook?
Games like Tic Tac Toe, Love Percentage/Meter, Paper Chat, Torn pages – other part of which were passed to chat with friends sitting bit far, Exam tips, Funny Pictures, Vacation/Trip Plans, Signatures. You can add more to share your fun here :)
Student Life is the most enjoyable and memorable life. We make FRIENDS, fun, fights then patch ups, exams fevers, anxiety of results, parody for teachers, gossip about affairs, fights for friends, movie masti, all those haha-hehe of carefree laughs and the list is never ending.
It is the best part of our life, thanks to all my friends who made it so special for me also, this is for you all my buddies. I would also like to dedicate the song by Vitamin C, it is called Friends Forever, the lyrics are simply too sweet. Here is one para from it:
As we go on, we remember,
All the times we had together,
And as our lives change, come whatever,
We will still be, friends forever.