Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The X Factor

The world is flooded in debt. IMF, ECB, Uncle Sam & Aunt Merkel are protecting the indebted countries and in hope that the measures or actions being taken by them would help those economy to get a boost. We are living in this real-time experiment of how to destroy what once was a good international financial system. Things can get worse because 'X' factor can always happen. Here is a list of possible values that 'X' can be equals to:

1. Greece may fail & defaults, and exits this common currency experiment

2. Italian bond yields doubles from and spikes to 15%

3. Big Banks tumble again

4. France losses its Triple-A rating

5. The EFSF structure fails

6. Germany says no and really means it this time

7. Common currency goes into the history books with rest of monetary policies

8. Global growth crushes down

9. China gets hammered accordingly and its real estate bubble, commodities bubble, social bubble pop all at once

10. US enters deep recession and QE3 doesn’t matter just like the last two didn’t

11. The Dow Jones Industrial Average heads toward 5,000

12. US social unrest manifests in serious violence

13. Global deflation ascends as all central banks are finally seen for what they are—useless at best, dangerous at worst—as all they do is screw up the market process

14. Finally the world’s leverage is reduced as debts deflate


Oops, I was too cruel. And hopefully very wrong, but if you have been paying attention I think you have to admit apparently few of the events have some possibility.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Bailout - Worldwide Trend


In today's corporate world, bank robs you!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

What an Idea, Sirji!

I regret that I didn't know programming during my school times, may be I could have helped lots of my friend to ease their job :P

Which one you guys would opt for if you have to do anything like this?


Friday, 21 October 2011

The first four words you find describes you!

first 4 words 

The first four words in the smiley you find describes you. You may do it in any direction i.e. vertically or horizontally. Find and then post results in comments!


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A Chuckle A Day Keeps The Doctor Away - Updation

Daily Cartoons - I like this section the most. Thanks to Ted Goff who has provided me with an official link to his daily cartoons i.e. Mostly Business. You can see his cartoons which are updated daily on this blog with an option to check last five days archives.

I had earlier brought to you the cartoons of Mark Anderson. Those links are still maintained as "Cartoons from Andertoons."

I hope this section will be in your top list. After all, laughter is an excellent remedy for stress.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Discovered the Beauty of Nature in India

I recently had vacation at Dalhousie & Mcleodganj both located in Himachal Pradesh(India) part of beautiful hills of Dhauladar Range. It was a lovely trip with my wife and kiddo, away from ever running and hectic life. Soaked in the nature's beauty, I could not stop myself from keep on taking pictures of the mountain ranges to keep them as memory with myself and to share it my friends. I kept on wondering about the beauty of nature. Thoughts were there on my mind every moment about wonders created by man vis-a-vis god.

Man made architectural wonders may amaze us, but there is no comparison of that with the Natural Beauties. Natural beauties are far more amazing and full of delights. Anyone will be overwhelmed with the charm of art made by God. You will sink in this splendour.

The Greeks made temples and the monumental sculptures. It was an essential part of them, showing man’s achievements and great power. The Romans polished it to produce elegant architectures, then there was French gardens. With urbanisation came development of private homes. Now in the modern world architects broke these patterns, producing gigantic buildings that do not fit in the beautiful landscapes. The world of man and his buildings.

Man owes his existence to soil, air, rain, and a few sun rays.

Man construct the landscape around him to built environment for its pleasant appearance, full of pure emotions and sensations. He designs it either by blending the building with the natural environment like Lawns or by creating Parks and Gardens. In doing so, he makes the environment pleasant to live in, either naturally pretty or have a unique, man-made touch. But the idea remains common for creating all these i.e. to live close to the nature :) .

Hey friends come and share your lovely trips which you believe are really unforgettable.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Anna Hazare's Movement: India Against Corruption

When people exhaust their capacity for tolerance, then you should take it that it is a beginning of a revolution - Anna Hazare

Corruption is eating us away from inside out. The phenomenon of corruption has evoked robust emotional responses among the general public. There are large numbers of people up in arms against the cancerous spread of corruption. Corruption exists in both the public and public sectors of our society. However the corruption that involves the public sectors attracts greater attention for obvious reasons. The proper functioning of the state is essential for the welfare of its citizens. Citizens pay to the govt, and feel involved concerning the abuse of their trust and resources. Corruption here refers not only to bribery, but also to other forms of misconduct that go beyond financial fulfilment. A new milestone in the history of independent India, a new path paved by the anti - corruption campaigner Anna Hazare. He has shown the world what Gandhism means in today’s world. The power of Gandhiji’s non violence will never cease to exist in the ages to come. 

Anna Hazare is engaged in a peaceful, composed war against corruption. His urge to free India of the utmost evil, corruption, is appreciated by people from every part of the country and got historic public support. He awakened the nation. From North to South and East to West, educated or uneducated people came out on streets to back Anna against his fast unto death. Anna Hazare and his supporters are not influenced by any political party. It is just the Indian National Flag is waving high in the sky and in our minds.

Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur feels that 'Anna Movement' is the most secular movement in the history of independent India.

Corruption in India has now become a major  issue. People of India have accepted corruption as part of life. The nation and the people who are engaged in so many things in India and in abroad are now understanding that it is the time to fight against Corruption. At the time when India is growing and reverse brain drain has initiated, citizen now are no more ignorant on these issues. Finally Anna is changing that so we live freely. 

The Jan Lokpal Bill have many loopholes like the Right to Information Act, which was passed due to the driving force again laid by Anna Hazare. According to the right to information act, the citizens of India have the right to get information on any matter concerning the country, but recently an incident occurred which clearly reflects the loopholes in it. A citizen of India lodged a complaint about the illegal wealth possessed by the former chief justice of India, K.G Balakrishnan. Even today complete information about the wealth of this most corrupted chief justice of India is not known to the public. Why? Is it beyond the Right to Information Act? Similar loopholes are likely to be there in the Lokpal bill also. It is sure that as time passes some illegal and illogical rule will come whereby the citizens cannot use this bill against the Prime Minister, Chief justice and so on thus restricting its use. The new committee formed to frame the bill must take in the interest of all sections of the population. It should be taken care that the bill will be unbiased and does not favour any person, be it the President or Prime Minister. 

It is so distressing that several activists and eminent citizens are actually disparaging Anna Hazare’s movement and feat, and contents of the bill drafted by the civil society, by citing it "unconstitutional" in nature or through frivolous criticism against Anna. Personalities from our movie world, Politicians, Businessmen, CEOs of companies are part of the movement now trying to share the limelight, though many are favouring it.

You can jail a revolutionary, but you cannot jail the revolution said Amitabh Bachchan.

The paradox of situation is that a corrupt person and a person fighting for the anti-corruption were locked in a same place. There are two ways to lead a life, one do nothing and suffer the consequences and another is to take the responsibility to change it.

Let us use the Jan Lokpal bill wisely, sealing its loopholes and see the final result. Let us hope for the best. We should stand united.

If Corruption is Virus... then ANNA is Anti-Virus.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

U.S. Economy Right Now



Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Company Policy Effective for Life-time

Social Networking:
Social media connections cannot be used for personal messages. If you are tweeting from your personal account about a fantastic company product, you need to share your connection to your company. Do not offend, surprise or shock your Employer, Clients, Business partners or Coworkers (current or future) with your status updates, think long and hard before publishing your content.

Dress Code:
It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise.  If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a raise.  If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.

Sick Days:
We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

Personal Days:
Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year.  They are called Saturday & Sunday.

Bereavement Leave:
This is no excuse for missing work.  There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers.  Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements.  In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon.  We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet Use:
Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet.  There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the stalls.  At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door
will open, and a picture will be taken.  After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders category".  Anyone caught smiling in the picture  will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.

Lunch Break:
Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more, so that they can look healthy.  Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.  Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience.  Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Awesome India !!!

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made - Albert Einstein

Namaste, (An Indian scholar defines - in literal terms Namaste refers to 'That which is of God in me bows to that which is of God in you') the moment you step into India, in all probability, the first word you will get to hear will be Namaste! The symbolism of the two palms touching each other is of great significance.

"Unity in Diversity" - India's languages, religions, customs, festivals, architecture, costumes, food, dance and music differ from place to place within the country form an inseparable part of its culture, but possess a commonality. India is the only country in the world to possess numerous religions and beliefs.

Several aspects of India's diversified culture — like Indian religions, yoga and Indian cuisine — have had a profound impact across the world. Indian cuisine is one amongst the most popular cuisines across the world, best known for its delicate use of herbs and spices and for its tandoori grilling techniques.

All members of the family sit and share their daily experiences during dinner time. Family plays an important role in the Indian culture.

The festivals of all religions are celebrated throughout the nation bringing everyone closer. Popular religious festivals include the Hindu festivals of Navratri, Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga puja, Holi, Rakshabandhan and Dussehra. Worn by Indian women on their forehead, the bindi is considered to be a highly auspicious mark in Hindu religion.

Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms. Among the famous folk dances are Bhangra of the Punjab, Ghoomar of Rajasthan, Dandiya and Garba of Gujarat and in Classical dance are Bharatanatyam, Kathakali etc.

Cave paintings from Ajanta and Ellora and temple paintings testify to a love of naturalism. A fresh colored flour design (Rangoli) is still a typical sight outside the doorstep of the many Indian homes.

“Respect One Another” is in the roots of Indian culture. Indian culture has been adopting elements of foreign cultures over the years. Many foodstuffs from overseas are now well ingrained into the Indian cuisine. It is not that the Indian culture and traditions are getting killed. Rather good things from various cultures are getting accepted and adapted, adding a new flavour, a new aspect to our way of life. The valuable ones will be taken and consolidated. This is a process of development. It will make the Awesome Indian experience unique and precious.

India is an emerging superpower. A Young, dynamic and optimistic India is all fueled to be a success story of our time. The country is on track to have the largest economy by 2050. India is a rising giant whose influence is being felt not only in the Indian Ocean, but in the Americas, in Africa, West Asia, and in Central Asia.

This optimism is likely dictated by knowledge of India’s great population and potential, and by the confident, even brash, views of a rising middle class, determinedly nationalistic ‘netizens’. More Important is the fact that this netizens of the country have not forgotten the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, democracy and the freedom movement, but have very modern notions of India that range from taking oath to fight against terrorism to support the likes of Anna Hazare.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Specially for Indian Women

Don’t worry, Be happy : Chetan Bhagat's Article in TOI

Alright, this is not cool at all. A recent survey by Nielsen has revealed that Indian women are the most stressed out in the world: 87% of our women feel stressed out most of the time. This statistic alone has caused me to stress out. Even in workaholic America, only 53% women feel stressed.

What are we doing to our women? I'm biased, but Indian women are the most beautiful in the world. As mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, wives and girlfriends - we love them. Can you imagine life without the ladies?

It would be a universe full of messy, aggressive and egomaniacal males running the world, trying to outdo each other for no particular reason. There would be body odour, socks on the floor and nothing in the fridge to eat. The entertainment industry would die. Who wants to watch movies without actresses?

We look up to corrupt politicians, keep voting them back, and feel they have an entitlement to loot us silly, because they are in power. In fact, we love power so much that when power comes to a woman, we automatically begin to regard her well too. Goddesses, female politicians, senior mothers in a household with a firm grip on family power - they all get our respect. Anyone else doesn't.

For now, I want to give Indian women five suggestions to reduce their stress levels.

One, don't ever think you are without power. Give it back to that mother-in-law. Be who you are, not someone she wished you would be. She doesn't like you? That's her problem.

Two, if you are doing a good job at work and your boss doesn't value you - tell him that, or quit. Talented, hard-working people are much in demand.

Three, educate yourself, learn skills, network - figure out ways to be economically independent. So next time your husband tells you that you are not a good enough wife, mother or daughter-in-law, you can tell him to take a hike.

Four, do not ever feel stressed about having a dual responsibility of family and work. It is difficult, but not impossible. The trick is not to expect an A+ in every aspect of your life. You are not taking an exam, and you frankly can't score cent per cent (unless you are in SRCC, of course). It is okay if you don't make four dishes for lunch, one can fill their stomach with one. It is okay if you don't work until midnight and don't get a promotion. Nobody remembers their job designation on their dying day.

Five, most important, don't get competitive with other women. Someone will make a better scrapbook for her school project than you. Another will lose more weight with a better diet. Your neighbour may make a six-dabba tiffin for her husband, you don't - big deal. Do your best, but don't keep looking out for the report card, and definitely don't expect to top the class. There is no ideal woman in this world, and if you strive to become one, there will be only one thing you will achieve for certain – stress.

So breathe, chill, relax. Tell yourself you are beautiful, do your best and deserve a peaceful life. Anybody trying to take that away from you is making a mistake, not you. Your purpose of coming to this earth is not to please everyone. Your purpose is to offer what you have to the world, and have a good life in return. The next time this survey comes, i don't want to see Indian women on top of the list. I want them to be the happiest women in the world. Now smile, before your mother-in-law shouts at you for wasting your time reading the newspaper.

Cherish Womanhood.

Friday, 15 July 2011

A Chuckle A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

I’m a big believer in laughter, and I think it’s important to have somebody who can make you laugh, so I thought why not me for all my visitors over here. Laughter is actually an excellent remedy for stress.

I checked the site by Mark Anderson "Andertoons", it is great site with variety of cartoons for daily life. I am linking few of them here on my website which are updated daily. Thanks to him.

You can check them daily of the front page on the right side under "Daily Cartoons."

I’m glad and honored to have the opportunity to showcase Mark's work on my blog. I always appreciate other people’s talents and the hard work they’ve put into making their dreams and passions a reality.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

It happens only in India

click on the photo to see more
This is a fun post featuring some hilarious photographs from India. India is a beautiful country. It has rich culture and great traditions. I will write about it in my next post 'Awesome India' soon.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Student Life

Yesterday, while checking my mails, this caught my attention and it really stood out from the rest and I was then wrapped in thoughts. It's better to bunk a class than to miss a party with friends, because today when I look back, equations never made me laugh, but memories do.

What we gonna get on the last pages of a Student's Notebook?

Games like Tic Tac Toe, Love Percentage/Meter, Paper Chat, Torn pages – other part of which were passed to chat with friends sitting bit far, Exam tips, Funny Pictures, Vacation/Trip Plans, Signatures. You can add more to share your fun here :)

Student Life is the most enjoyable and memorable life. We make FRIENDS, fun, fights then patch ups, exams fevers, anxiety of results, parody for teachers, gossip about affairs, fights for friends, movie masti, all those haha-hehe of carefree laughs and the list is never ending.

It is the best part of our life, thanks to all my friends who made it so special for me also, this is for you all my buddies. I would also like to dedicate the song by Vitamin C, it is called Friends Forever, the lyrics are simply too sweet. Here is one para from it:

As we go on, we remember,
All the times we had together,
And as our lives change, come whatever,
We will still be, friends forever.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Crazy Beany Pasta

I cooked this up from my own imagination and everybody who tasted loved it. This tasty dish is quick and easy to make for your food for thoughts. Do try it and get back.
  • Cheese for topping
  • 1/2 tsp chopped garlic
  • 2 tomatoes (sliced into strips)
  • 2 capsicums (sliced into strips)
  • ½ cup boiled corn kernels
  • 3 cups boiled macaroni
  • 1 can of baked beans in tomato sauce
  • Butter
  • Cheese for topping
  • Red chilli flakes
  • Black pepper powder
  • Salt
Preparation Method
  1. Melt some butter in a heated wok and sauté chopped garlic until brown.
  2. Add capsicum and tomatoes and cook till half done.
  3. Add macaroni, corn, baked beans with sauce.
  4. Salt to taste, pepper powder and chilli flakes.
  5. Bring to a boil and take off from the stove.
  6. Add a little sugar if required.
  7. Transfer in a baking dish and cover with grated cheese.
  8. Bake in oven till cheese turns light brown.
  9. Serve hot.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Do you have the right to commit Social Suicide?

Fast until death is what I am talking about. We have witnessed this idiom in many instances in recent past, for eg. Mr. Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev have been on the top of trends. Both of them were on same agenda without any personal gain or personal political aspirations.

In a fast growing and fast developing economy, the common man generally supports any such plan that help them get rid of corruption and have graft free society. Such movement wakes up the country's consciousness.

In order to die one has to live first. What I mean to say here is that if one has done something good for the society in big or small way. Obama the Nobel Peace Prize winner has now sent arms to Libya, now being termed as more brutal than Bush. Anna has lots of awards and honour in his bag starting from his native village Ralegan Siddhi. But in case of Baba we have not witnessed such instances other than yoga and herbal medicines. Anna's movement brought convulsion in the country while Baba's movement made more harm than good to the cause. Due to his dramatic escape and follies, the credibility of other civil society members has been deeply deteriorated. The same govt which were submissive with Anna has become belligerent suddenly and is on assault mode now.

The irony is that India has to go a long way as corruption is engrained in its blood. No one is willing to say first that “I am not paying for my right” to get their job done and rather asking them (the corrupt) to stop taking this pay.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Food for Thoughts

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food" - George Bernard Shaw.

Food for your mind stimulates your mental knowledge, food for biological system rouse your strength and growth, but those special delights rejuvenate you. You will feel pleasure and would gratify to some extent.

We have busy lives, but I believe that everyone deserves to enjoy a grand serve at the end of the day. Do not let your rapid life prevent you from giving you the very best. I used to help my mom in cooking, soon I realised that I actually enjoy to cook. I have learnt few basics but ain't a master in it. Either you cook for someone special or someone special cooks for you, but the aim is, the menu must be special whether it is your favorite meals or something unique.

Let us pour some ideas here with your favorites and/or unique ones. Just IMAGINE.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


We all talk about using more of e-communication and less papers. This has induced the developers to bring in the concept of social networking, in which they saw a great potential. Thanks to the age of Social Internet which bring people from every kind of social groups together, allowing them to interact in one common place.
Everything has its own positive and negative aspects. If anyone uses this communication technology in a meaningful manner, one will have better experiences, would make you smarter with the plethora of knowledge available on a click or can exchange it one-another, build new relationships and supplements in improving overall quality of life. Sites like Facebook and Myspace helps you build a social group of people sharing common interest and passions. A student can reachout to his/her seniors or graduates from best known universities for help on his/her research papers and ask for mentorship. People are exchanging their witty remarks with celebrities across the globe. Site like Linkdin create more professional connections and help businesses to promote themselves.

Ill side effects as per people say are that it draws them away from real relationships, shortened attention and diminishing personal communication and love. There is so much focus on social space where we are seldom present but always available :-) . However according to me real cause of concerns are identity theft, phishing, spywares and viruses, in all your safety.

Likewise in ancient Egypt they were worried about using papyrus for written communication that it would reduce mental ability, in spite of everything mankind has achieved so much in terms of intellectual gains and technology too. All depends on how fairly we use the available resources.

Just IMAGINE your situation and say what you all think.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The World Ended Yesterday: Armageddon

Is anybody here? It's only just me then :)

Just IMAGINE about this Armageddon or Doomsday or Pralaya in Hindu Mythology. There is no exact location of this extremity. It is happening slowly and steadily in every part of the world. In other words, we seem to be on the road to destruction with our brakes not working!!! We are witnessing it in various forms: Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes, floods - wiping out life in thousands.

Man Made: Global Warming, Nuclear Reaction, World Food Crisis, Pandemic, Oil Shocks, Unemployment, Mideast Unrest, Corruption, Terrorism...(and so the endless list goes on…)

But the end has NOT come fellows. We can still make an effort to save future of mankind from such horrific experiences. I guess every little bit counts.

While I IMAGINE of ways to help, I invite suggestions from all for teeny weeny little things that we can make a part of our life to be a ‘World Saver’.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

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Monday, 23 May 2011

Popcorn of life!

Life is Imagination. Travel in the world of my creation. No one can compare anything with pure imagination.

Everyday in our life so many things pops up. There are lots of imagination or say hot topics that always keep coming into my mind when I read/see something. I ponder for those thoughts few times here and there and forget it. But I always wanted to discuss it with others and wanted to know what are their say.

Ever since I have seen blogging I used to imagine that if I would also do this. As Blogging has no boundary. People from all over the world can interact with you if they find your topic to be interesting. So this attracted me to create this space and get people's views. Everyone is invited.

So let us discuss these hot topics aka popcorns of life which we come to pass in this world.